Psychologists Opposed to Prescription Privileges for Psychologists

We are a group of psychologists who are committed to preserving the integrity of our profession and to protecting the safety and well-being of those we serve. To that end, we feel compelled to oppose the efforts by some of our colleagues to obtain prescription privileges for psychologists through legislation at the state level. While in principle it would be useful for patients to have access to “one-stop-shopping” in which they could meet their needs for psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy in one visit, we believe that while psychologists are highly qualified psychotherapists, the proposals to augment their training to permit them to prescribe drugs are insufficient to empower them to prescribe medications safely. Therefore we oppose all such legislation. We have created this website and other resources as our way to facilitate wise decisions about prescribing privileges for psychologists by legislators and our fellow professionals. On this site you wil find:
a description of our purpose and reasons for opposing RxP
a list of members of our Board of Advisors
invitation to join (free of charge) in which you will be asked to sign the petition, subscribe to our Google groups list serv and/or gain access to Drop Box which provides access to a range of publications and other resources (including sample testimony) that offer thoughtful discussion of the problems inherent in current legislative proposals and practice protocols.
These materials will be updated on an ongoing basis. If you wish to be informed about these developments, please click on the “contact us” link and provide us with your e-mail address. Please use that link to offer your thoughts on the issue, keep us posted about developments in your state, and to suggest additional materials that you consider to be worthy of posting for general access. Finally, please use the link to express your interest in joining our “no-fee” organization. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you.